Start your own municipal BDS campaign!
Across the United States, municipal BDS campaigns have been an important way to engage local community organizations with similar goals around implementing human rights investment screens in their cities. Sign up here, and our National Organizer will send you resources and tips for launching your own municipal BDS campaign in your city.
Sign up
shafiq hasan posted about HP Campaign Resources on Facebook 2017-11-16 17:57:36 -0800I just took my first step towards making my church HP-Free! Sign up to get FOSNA's HP-Free campaign kit.
HP Campaign Resources
Interested in having your church go HP-Free? Sign up and you will receive access to our HP-Free Campaign Kit: Exclusive resources to use in your congregation, including a pre-made presentation, presentation notes, a poster, and downloadable brochures and fliers for you to print out and distribute. Sign up below!
Sign up
Support the Movement for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land
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Friends of Sabeel North America
PO Box 3192, Greenwood Village, CO 80155