Maria Cornejo Gutierrez signed SRT G4S Campaign 2015-10-07 00:39:46 -0700I am a State worker and I ride Sacramento Rapid Transit. I take bus 26 to the University and 65th street stop, then the Gold line to 801 K Street (Renaissance tower AKA the Darth vader bldg) downtown. I tell everyone I can about what G4S does and I leaflet as well. It saddens me to think that WE as Sacramentans are a part of human rights violations by investing in G4S. RApid transit can invest in much better companies without having blood on our hands and conscience.
To: Sacramento Regional Transit Board of Directors
Because G4S, the world’s largest private security company, is complicit in and profiting from well-documented violations of human rights and other international laws, we the undersigned ask that you: 1) not extend Sacramento Regional Transit’s current contract with G4S, allowing it to expire on June 30, 2016; 2) develop criteria to be included in Request For Proposals (RFP) for the next contract to exclude companies that are involved in human rights violations; and 3) do not award G4S another contract if they are still engaged or complicit in violations of human rights and international law.
We add our voices to the letter that you have received from local organizations and individuals and to others around the world who are calling on G4S to reform its business practices and have refused to do business with them until they do.
(For technical assistance, please feel free to email [email protected])
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