Dennis Kortheuer 39sc

Dennis Kortheuer

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  • posted about Thank You Presbyterians! on Facebook 2016-06-28 12:45:35 -0700
    Join me in thanking @Presbyterian for advocating for the safety of Palestinian children!

    Thank You, Presbyterian General Assembly

    270 signatures

                   israel-palestinian-children-rights-violations.jpg prayer_and_bible_study_350_234_90.jpg  remax.png

    This week we saw the Presbyterian community move swiftly in the direction of justice for the Palestinian people. We are grateful that the Presbyterian General Assembly voted to advocate for the safety of Palestinian children, recommend to ReMax to stop business in settlements and engage in a prayerful study of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions. We applaud this measure, and look forward to joining you as you put the principles of your faith into practice. 

    "In particular, mobilize Presbyterians everywhere to communicate with their senators, congresspersons, and the president of the United States their concern for the safety and well-being of the children of Palestine who suffer widespread and systematic patterns of ill-treatment and torture within the Israeli military detention system..." (Action 08-02, "On Advocating for the Safety and Well-being of Children of Palestine and Israel," General Assembly 222)

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  • signed SRT G4S Campaign 2015-09-25 14:24:51 -0700

    To: Sacramento Regional Transit Board of Directors

       Because G4S, the world’s largest private security company, is complicit in and profiting from well-documented violations of human rights and other international laws, we the undersigned ask that you: 1) not extend Sacramento Regional Transit’s current contract with G4S, allowing it to expire on June 30, 2016; 2) develop criteria to be included in Request For Proposals (RFP) for the next contract to exclude companies that are involved in human rights violations; and 3) do not award G4S another contract if they are still engaged or complicit in violations of human rights and international law.

       We add our voices to the letter that you have received from local organizations and individuals and to others around the world who are calling on G4S to reform its business practices and have refused to do business with them until they do.  

    (For technical assistance, please feel free to email [email protected])

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